Monday 11 May 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho....It's off to work I go...

Hello from the Carribbean!! Life has been on fast forward these past few days so I have not yet updated and I know that a lot of you are feeling anxious at this point. J Life is still good and I am very excited/happy to be a part of the Disney team. While training in Orlando I got to go to most of the theme parks and even mustered up the courage to go on both the Tower of Terror and the Haunted Mansion….not as terrifying as it was when I was little J.
Being on the boat has not been a problem so far…the rocking doesn’t bother me and I actually fall asleep really quickly because of it….and because I’m exhausted! J There are so many things to do on this ship that it is a lot of memorizing and the like but so far I have only gotten turned around once but I had left early enough to be on time anyway so that was good! I got to attend the children’s Royal Ball last night which was exciting because all of the kids get to wear prince and princess costumes….too cute! There was a little confusion with my roommate at first so Belle was my roommate for only a few hours but it was still very exciting to get to meet her! My new roommate works in Youth Activities (where I work) and is from Brasil!!! She is really nice and her name is Daniella; she has worked on cruise ships for 5 years and recently bought a house on an island in Brasil so she probably will be done after this contract.
I found out today that I can have visitors on the ship Saturdays for a few hours so if you are ever in Florida and want to swing by for a tour let me know J Back to work for now…..

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