Wednesday 13 May 2009

Everything is really great here and I am enjoying myself tons. There are not a lot of Americans here and definitely none from the Midwest so that has been rather interesting. Other than that the people have been really nice and everyone seems to know my name which is kind of weird since I can’t seem to remember many people’s names. There’s so many! The ship is not as large as I thought it would be and so far I haven’t really even gotten lost- it’s a miracle lol The costume I have to wear is not nearly as bad as other people on staff, it’s just a yellow polo and some crazy blue pants. They even gave us nice sweaters with the Disney logo on it.
Today we had our first crew drill which happens every few weeks…running up 5 flights of stairs is hard work. We had to wear our life vests and practice what would happen in case of an emergency- crazy stuff…it’s a lot of information to remember and Coast Guard inspection is this Saturday and they will be asking all of the crew questions about security and safety so I have been studying like mad in what little free time I have. Today we are in St. Thomas which is in the Virgin Islands and is a US port so that was nice. I had to wake up at 6:30 this morning to go meet with immigration officials…not ideal….but now I should not have to do it again this contract.
Work hasn’t been too bad and the islands are beautiful so I can’t really complain too much. Last night I got to watch fireworks on the deck with the kids and have a dance party under the stars….does life get better? I will try to upload pictures but the internet is a bit slow most of the time… J In due time…


  1. Will hope to see some pictures soon, Coco :-)! I am SOOOO jealous! Chris

  2. Sounds like you're having a great time Court ! Keep away the sea sickness ! Luv, Aunt Geri
